Jun 11, 2012

2 1/2 months

Isaac has been the best baby ever. I remember Adrian being a good baby, but I swear Isaac is even better/calmer/happier. He had a few short weeks of evening crabbiness and now he's content all the day long. I realized after chatting with someone about it yesterday that it may have coincided with me quitting wheat and dairy. Honestly, if he wasn't so darn sweet he could probably hang out by himself all day. Instead, I end up snuggling him up and cooing to him all day just to see his precious smiles and hear his sweet little conversations. Anytime we go anywhere I take my wrap and he usually falls right to sleep. Speaking of sleep, he's pretty good at that too. He usually falls asleep by 11 and wakes up around 5 or 6 to eat, goes right back to sleep and is up again around 9. I hate to brag, but it's nice to hear good news too right?

I set him down on the floor to type this and he's just been kicking his legs and staring at me. After about 15 minutes he finally starts to talk in an ever so slightly sad little way. He gives me plenty of warning before he loses patience. ;)

Oh how I love my little chubbers.


jodi said...

Oh man is he ever cute! I'm so glad he's such a great baby. And I agree, it's always good to hear good news about babies sleeping...it gives hope I think :)

Alanna said...

Sounds like me with Henrik! He is so content to just lay on the floor and play, but I just can't help myself! I hold him and smile at him so much that my cheeks start hurting :) Those first smiles, coos, and giggles are just the best!

~ Jennifer J. said...

Oh little, honey...! He's so cute. And he and Aria are on the same sleep schedule - pure bliss for a mama with a newborn!

She had the same evening fussiness, too. And I just realized it stopped. Now I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that I quit wheat and dairy three weeks ago, too...

Sara said...

dairy and wheat def. made a difference for me too! All my babies used to have evening fussiness - I thought it was a normal newborn thing till Ruthie. I didn't eat dairy or wheat with her. So fun to have a good baby!! :)