Feb 22, 2010

A little under the weather, even during beautiful weather

My poor little buddy has a cold. I think this is the first real cold he's had so I'd say we are doing pretty good! I feel so bad for him though, I'm just getting over a cold so if he caught the same thing I did he is feeling pretty awful right now. He's been moaning and restless like he just can't get comfortable. I gave up trying to get anything done today and decided to put him in the sling instead. He's basically been eating and doing this:


Megan said...

we're getting over a doozy of a cold at this house. Today is the first day in a week that Logan is almost back to his normal happy little self. Hope Adrian gets better soon!

Sara said...

Aaaww...poor little honey - Hope he gets better soon!

Stacey said...

Aww...poor baby! If he has or develops a cough, try rubbing vicks on his feet at night and putting socks on him. Works like a charm in this household!

Emily said...

awww... he looks so sweet though! Sometimes we need days like this to slow us down and snuggle.