Unfortunately, I forgot to use avocados. I bought them specifically for cookies but I forgot all about them until it was much too late! 'Spose I've gotta make guacamole now! Then of course, our apartment was in dire need of cleaning so I tackled the dishes, living room, and of course the bathroom. Oh, I forgot to mention, I also made chicken in the slow cooker so we can hopefully make panini's this weekend. And I made a hamburger for dinner. And I went to Kohls to get a few cooking utensils (like a cookie scoop) with gift cards of course! And...well that's about it. Maybe I'll get started on my "Thank-yous."
On another note, I finally looked at etsy, I've been so curious as to what it is! It looks really cool. And Jen, what are you waiting for? Get your stuff on there already! :)
Have a fabulous weekend! (I hear it's supposed to snow on Monday, blah!)
I'm getting closer. I've only had a chance to work on a couple of things for it, but Mark's been working on getting our bedroom done. ~ So, I'll be able to set up shop soon! Shop, being a spot to start working on more things to list.
I'm still so curious about the whole avocado thing...
Wow you go girl! I should have been more productive last night instead of talking on the phone and visiting. Such is life I guess.
Amanda ~ Hey! You were talking to me. What are you saying?
I was also talked to mom for an hour and went to Emily's for a couple hours. And Heidi called too, and I never got back to her, so please keep this on the dl.
P.S. I was kidding. ;)
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