Oct 8, 2012

October 6

This was Saturday. First snowfall (with accumulation) of the 2012-2013 season, October 6.

We moved to the U.P. on November 12, 2008. (Wow, it's hard to believe it's been 4 years!) It snowed that day--I can't say for sure if that was the first real snowfall--and it didn't stop until May. I mean, of course, we had a clear skies here and there but winter literally stretched to mid-May. That was the best thing ever. Seriously. We were used to downstate winters that last barely 4 months and don't always have much snow. I was already convinced that winters up here were brutal, snow upon snow upon snow and that they lasted half the year. That winter really did, so I think it prepared me for winter up here. There hasn't been a season that long or that cold since then. I actually don't mind winter up here and I look forward to the year we get back into skiing. So fun!


jodi said...

I love that photo! Kind of says goodbye Summer, hello Winter. :) I will admit, I'm not a huge fan of long snowy winters, but they sure are pretty!