Sep 16, 2009

My heart has melted...

(Stolen from my facebook status.)

Adrian smiled his first "real" smile on Sunday! It's still a big deal to get him to do it but oh so worth it. He has also started cooing at me every once in a while, that's even more rare than a smile but it is just too darn sweet. I took him for a walk in the front pack the other day and he kept trying to look up at me the entire time. Quite a nice surprise considering I thought he'd sleep the entire time! I'm nervous because he's been sleeping A LOT this afternoon/evening so I'm guessing I'll be up all night. So I should probably be sleeping, but go figure, I'm not very tired right now. I'm sure tomorrow night with be a completely different story!

Wish me luck!


Amanda Kay said...

Still chuckling over your baby wipes scenerio yesterday! Go coupon nerd!

Sara said...

hopefully he's just going thru a growth spurt and that means he will sleep for the next couple days and nights! :)