Mar 29, 2009

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream!

We had company over for the first time last night (local company that is). I decided to host an ice cream social. Our little apartment was filled with guests and busy children (sorry neighbors). Jeff and I had such a good time and I kept saying afterwards, why don't we do this more often? At which he would reply, "Well...that was just the first time..." It's always so much fun to get everyone together at once. Now I'm just wondering, What should I serve next time...?


Anonymous said...

Next time...I would suggest serving your dish a tad bit earlier...remember you lost some points for that! KIDDING of course! But, it was a fun evening-thanks for hosting! Next time I'll be sure to "let" my husband tag along! ;)

And...Happy Anniversary! **