Apr 24, 2007

My Weekend

I had a fabulous weekend. We could not have asked for better weather! On Saturday I made breakfast for Jeff and myself before we went to Kensington for the day. We grilled lunch there and went for a walk...more like a hike, but it was nice. We were supposed to fly our kites but it wasn't very windy. Afterwards, we went to Mom and Dad's to hang out and ended up playing Rook with Amanda and Paul. (Amanda and I smoked them in the first game by the way.) On Sunday we went to Jeff's mom and dad's to lay out. I ended up laying out with his sister Jen and he rode his fourwheeler down to his grandpa's to sweet talk him into buying us dinner. So, later we went to Los Tres Amigos with the rest of Jeff's family and Grandpa H bought us all dinner. Later still, we went back to Jeff's house and Eric and Shannon came over to watch the Wings' game. Sadly to say, I could not stay awake for the whole thing. As it happens, they went into overtime and the game was finally over at 1 am. And that concludes my weekend.

Apr 20, 2007

One More Thing...

Okay so there was ONE more reason I was in such a great mood yesterday (not that I'm not today). In case you haven't heard, which I'm sure you have, Brad and Larissa are engaged! Their wedding will be September 8th. Larissa is having Jenna H (S, Maid of Honor), and her sisters Amanda and Kara stand. Brad is having Chad P (Best Man), Brother Matt, and Wade stand. So congratulations to the happy couple!!

Apr 19, 2007

Typical kids

Just a coupla rednecks
The new velcro rollers?? Gretch thought she could let it dry like that and have curly hair...

Oh What a Wonderful Day!!

This day could not get any better!! The weather is lovely, I don't have an infection (I thought I did from my wisdom teeth), and I keep thinking today is Wednesday instead of Thursday (this is good b/c that means it's closer to the weekend than I think)! And I have exciting news! Wait for it, wait for it...I'm going to fly my kite this weekend! I got one from Costco, correction, Jeff got both of us kites and we haven't really had a chance to use them yet. So we're going to Kensington on Saturday and after that we're going to have a barbeque. I'm not sure if anyone else is coming yet or if it's just us. I'll have to think about that and see who is worthy of coming. Then on Sunday we are going to Bruce and Shannon's! I am PUMPED! I can't wait to see their house and their pictures from Hawaii! Plus also I just want to visit with them! Oh and guess what?! Guess what?! I am going to Florida a week from Saturday!! (Then maybe I'll have pictures to put on here.) Guess what else? I got a raise last week! I know, contain your excitement. I got my review finally (my boss has been talking about it since the frigid days of January) and it was VERY good. My boss pretty much thinks I'm the coolest, she told me she wants to see me to become the lead teacher in the room I work in now once the current lead leaves (for those of you who don't know, I work for KinderCare, formerly Children's World). Anyhow, the raise was nothing great, I mean come on, I work in a daycare, but it was nice to know I'm appreciated since I don't hear it very often there.

Apr 5, 2007

Michigan weather...grumble, grumble...

What is with this? It was, what, two days ago that we didn't even need coats and now snow?? Gotta love Michigan. Well to brighten the mood on this otherwise glum day, here are a few things from my kids at work:

Yesterday: I was talking to Danielle towards the end of nap, she said something about naptime being the only time we had any piece and quiet around that place. Reply from the peanut gallery: Pieces of quiet???

Today: I asked a boy who NEVER sleeps at nap if he had taken a nap, his reply: just a little catnap.

Today: As I'm crying after hearing the news I hear a girl talking to her friend, what can we do to cheer Miss Heidi up? I wonder if bubbles would cheer Miss Heidi up?

And this, my friends is why I'm stickin around that place even though the parents and the staff drive me up the wall sometimes!

Apr 2, 2007

One chipmunk cheek

See it's not THAT bad is it? Or is it? Guess which side had to get two pulled...

Still doing good...

Well my mouth is still doing pretty good, it just sometimes hurts to swallow like my stitches want to go down my throat and it's kind of gross because I can't ever really tell if I have food in them or not but at least no one can see them!
Not much going on today, I just came to Mom and Dad's for some supper and then I've been painting my junk in the basement. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get my picture frames up in my apartment??? I know, it's kind of ridiculous it doesn't take that long but I keep putting if off. Mostly because I had painted them all white not too long ago and now I'm painting them different colors because uh hello, white walls? I am so not having white stuff hanging on them!
On another note...26 days till I go to Florida! Did I mention I've never even been on a plane before? I finally got my graduation present from Dad and Mom which I can use when I go: a huge suitcase. If I can't fit a weeks worth of summer clothes in there I'm in trouble!